Business (IR)
EQUITA confirms its role as leading independent broker in Italy
In 2020, Equita strengthened its positioning in the Italian brokerage services industry and ranked top 5 in equity, bond, derivative and ETF’s main markets (ASSOSIM)
Equita reached significant market shares on MTA (8%), AIM Italia (9%), bonds (7%), equity options (5%) and ETFPlus (7%)
Milan, 28th January 2021
Equita, the leading Italian independent investment bank, confirmed its positioning as one of the best brokers in Italy and ranked No. 1 among independent players in 2020[1], according to the annual report published by the Italian Association of Financial Markets Intermediaries (ASSOSIM)[2].
Andrea Vismara, Chief Executive Officer at Equita, commented: “Equita’s leading positioning is the result of the significant investments made to diversify our product offering and provide 360° trading solutions to clients. We will continue to support institutional investors and banks partner of our Retail Hub with innovative services, leveraging the strong expertise of our trading floor – the largest in Italy among independents”.
As reported by ASSOSIM, in 2020 Equita positioned among the top 5 brokers in equity, bond, derivative and ETF’s main markets, confirming the successful diversification strategy of its product offering.
In the cash equity segment Equita ranked first among independent brokers1 with 7.8% market share on the MTA (No. 5 in the overall ranking) and 9.4% on the AIM Italia (No. 5 in the overall ranking) in terms of total volumes traded on behalf of clients. Results were very positive also on the bond side, thanks to the recent investments made to strengthen the team and consolidate fixed income activities. In terms of total volumes traded, Equita ranked No. 5 on the DomesticMOT with 6.8% market share, No. 3 on the EuroMOT with 7.4% market share and No. 7 on the ExtraMOT with 4.1% market share. The overall market share of these three markets was 6.7%. Equita also ranked No. 5 in the brokerage of ETFs on the ETFPlus market with a 6.5% market share.
The strong positioning that Equita has achieved in the brokerage industry confirms the professionality and expertise that the team has developed on several financial instruments (equities, bonds, derivatives, ETFs), as result of the important diversification strategy adopted by the Group over the years.