Share Capital and Shareholders

Ownership structure

Azionariato ENG

EQUITA - listed on the Italian Stock Exchange (Euronext STAR Milan) through its parent company EQUITA Group S.p.A. - has its managers and professionals invested in the share capital, representing the largest shareholder today.

The ownership structure also includes entrepreneurs, families, financial institutions, domestic and international investors, both institutional and retail.

Note: chart updated as of February 2025. Inner circle % of votes castable during the Shareholders' Meeting; outer circle % of share capital

Shareholders No shares (m) No votes (m) % capital % votes [1] % AGM votes  [2]
Management and professionals [3] 21.2 37.9 40% 52% 54%
Relevant Shareholders (Fenera Holding) 2.5 5.0 5% 7% 7%
Market Float 26.3 27.3 50% 37% 39%
Treasury Shares 2.6 2.6 5% 4% -
Total 52.6 72.7 100% 100% 100%

[1] % of Share Capital differs from % of Votes due to increased voting rights in the share capital. [2] % of Votes in Shareholders' Meetings, thus excluding votes of treasury shares. [3] Includes managers who have adhered to the Shareholders' Pact EQUITA Group, other professionals and employees.

Note: Sum of percentages could not coincide with total due to roundings.

Last update: February 2025

Share Capital

Summary information  
Share capital €11,969,425.70
No. of Shares 52,604,080
of which No. of Treasury Shares 2,611,472
No. Outstanding shares 49,992,608
No. of Voting rights (including shares with increased voting rights) 72,712,925
Types of Shares Ordinary, without nominal value
ISIN code (without increased voting rights) IT0005312027
ISIN code (with increased voting rights) IT0005356271
Bloomberg / Reuters code EQUI:MI / EQUI.MI
Currency Euro (€)
Listing market Euronext Milan (STAR)

Last update: February 2025

Relevant shareholders

Based on the notices received to date by EQUITA Group s.p.A. and Consob, and pursuant to applicable regulation, below are reported the names of the shareholders holding, directly or indirectly, more than 5% of voting rights of the Company.

Shareholders with a stake above threshold No shares % capital No votes % votes
Fenera Holding S.p.A. 2,500,000 4.8% 5,000,000 6.9%
Francesco Perilli 2,228,118 4.2% 4,393,387 6.3%
Andrea Vismara 2,101,734 4.0% 4,064,402 5.8%

Below are reported the main changes occurred in relevant shareholdings since IPO.

On October 26th, 2018, the shareholders Francesco Perilli and Andrea Vismara notified via 120A Form their ownership - direct and indirect - of no. 5,701,444 shares (representing 11.4% of the share capital) and no. 3,162,668 shares (representing 6.3% of the share capital) respectively.

On March 5th, 2019, EQUITA Group S.p.A. was notified via 120A Form that Fenera Holding S.p.A. reached the 5% stake in the company (2,500,000 shares) on March 4th, 2019.

On December 2nd, 2019, the shareholder Matteo Ghilotti notified via 120A Form his ownership of no. 2,039,975 shares (no. 4,079,950 voting rights), representing 4.1% of the share capital (5.3% of the total voting rights).

Then on December 3rd, 2019, the shareholder Fenera Holding S.p.A. notified via 120A Form that, following the kick-in of increase voting rights for some shareholders of EQUITAGroup S.p.A., on November 25th, 2019, its ownership in Equita Group S.p.A. felt below the 5% threshold.

On June 25th, 2021, EQUITA Group S.p.A. was notified via 120A Form that Fenera Holding S.p.A. met the 5% threshold on June 24th, 2021. The Fenera Holding S.p.A. stake into the Company reached no. 2.500.000 shares (no. 5,000,000 voting rights) following the kick-in of increased voting right, representing 5.0% of the share capital (6.36% of the total voting rights).

On May 25th, 2022, EQUITA Group S.p.A. was notified via 120A Form that shareholders Francesco Perilli and Matteo Ghilotti have changed their stake into the Company, following their participation to the transaction announced on May 13th, 2022. The shareholder Francesco Perilli notified a participation of no. 2,715,269 shares (no. 5,430,538 voting rights), equal to 5.4% of the share capital (7.5% of the total voting rights). The shareholder Matteo Ghilotti notified a participation of no. 1,566,681 shares (no. 3,119,656 voting rights), equal to 3.1% of the share capital (4.3% of the total voting rights).

On May 25th, 2022, the shareholder Andrea Vismara notified via 120B Form - following the transaction announced on May 13th, 2022 - his ownership of no. 2,020,520 shares (no. 3,983,188 voting rights), representing 4.0% of the share capital (5.5% of the total voting rights).

In data 26 ottobre 2018 i soci Francesco Perilli e Andrea Vismara hanno comunicato, tramite Modulo 120A, di detenere - direttamente e indirettamente - rispettivamente n. 5.701.444 azioni (rappresentative dell’11,4% del capitale sociale) e n. 3.162.668 azioni (rappresentative del 6,3% del capitale sociale).

In data 5 marzo 2019 EQUITA Group S.p.A. ha ricevuto comunicazione, tramite Modulo 120A, che il socio Fenera Holding S.p.A. ha raggiunto, in data 4 marzo 2019, la soglia del 5% con n. 2.500.000 di azioni.

In data 2 dicembre 2019 il socio Matteo Ghilotti ha comunicato, tramite Modulo 120A, di detenere n. 2.039.975 azioni e n. 4.079.950 diritti di voto, pari a 4,1% del capitale sociale e 5,3% dei diritti di voto complessivi.

Successivamente, in data 3 dicembre 2019 il socio Fenera Holding S.p.A. ha comunicato, sempre con Modulo 120A che, a seguito della maggiorazione dei diritti di voto in capo ad alcuni azionisti di EQUITA Group S.p.A., in data 25 novembre 2019 la propria partecipazione si è ridotta al di sotto della soglia del 5%.

In data 25 giugno 2021 EQUITA Group S.p.A. ha ricevuto comunicazione, tramite Modulo 120A, che il socio Fenera Holding S.p.A. ha superato, in data 24 giugno 2021, la soglia del 5%. La partecipazione di Fenera Holding ha raggiunto n. 2.500.000 azioni e n. 5.000.000 diritti di voto (in seguito alla maggiorazione dei diritti di voto su tutta la partecipazione dalla stessa detenuta), pari a 5% del capitale sociale e 6,36% dei diritti di voto complessivi.

In data 25 maggio 2022 EQUITA Group S.p.A. ha ricevuto comunicazione, tramite Modulo 120A, che i soci Francesco Perilli e Matteo Ghilotti - inseguito all'operazione annunciata in data 13 maggio 2022 - hanno modificato la loro partecipazione. Il socio Francesco Perilli ha comunicato di detenere n. 2.715.269 azioni e n. 5.430.538 diritti di voto, pari a 5,4% del capitale e 7,5% dei diritti di voto complessivi. Il socio Matteo Ghilotti ha invece comunicato di detenere n. 1.566.681 azioni e n. 3.119.656 diritti di voto, pari a 3,1% del capitale e 4,3% dei diritti di voto complessivi.

Sempre in data 25 maggio 2022 EQUITA Group S.p.A. ha ricevuto comunicazione, tramite Modulo 120B, che il socio Andrea Vismara - avendo partecipato all'operazione annunciata in data 13 maggio 2022 - detiene n. 2.020.520 azioni e n. 3.983.188 diritti di voto, pari a 4,0% del capitale e 5,5% dei diritti di voto complessivi.

Ultimo aggiornamento: ottobre 2023

Shareholders' Pact

On the 10th of February, 2022, some managers and employees of the Group entered into partnership by signing the EQUITA Group Shareholders' Pact. 

The Pact - entered into force on the 1st of August 2022 with maturity set to March 31st, 2025 - has allowed management to renew its commitment and reinforced the idea of partnership that has always distinguished EQUITA in the market.

Under the agreement, each member of the Pact:

  • commits to exercise individual voting rights in accordance with the will expressed by the majority of the votes of the participants to the Pact, on matters like the approval of the financial statements, the appointment of management and control bodies and on extraordinary transactions requiring the approval of the shareholders’ meeting;
  • commits to lock-up provisions, depending on the age of the subscriber of the Pact;
  • has call options. under specific terms and conditions, on ordinary shares of the Company held by other subscribers of the Pact hit by "adverse event".

For more details about the Pact or previous Shareholders' Agreements, please read the documentation made available to the public from time to time and published below.